Discover The Benefits Of A Professional Roof Inspection
Unfortunately, when it comes to home maintenance, people tend to take an out-of-sight, out-of-mind approach to their roof. That is, of course, until their roof begins leaking due to a lack of upkeep or undetected damage. Being able to avoid this type of unpleasant surprise is just one of the many benefits that comes along with having your roof professionally inspected a couple of times each year. You can learn more about the benefits of this bi-annual maintenance below.
Avoid Misidentifying Damage
Homeowners who choose to complete their own roof inspections will often misidentify damage. For example, homeowners may assume that the dark black spots they see when inspecting their roof shingles are nothing more than harmless black algae deposits and choose to ignore them. However, the shiny black spots left behind by some types of hail damage can look remarkably similar to those that are caused by algae deposits. Misidentifying this damage can lead homeowners to make poor decisions regarding their need for roofing repairs and may ultimately lead to more extensive damage and higher repair costs. Choosing to hire a professional to complete your roof inspection will allow you to avoid making this type of potentially costly mistake.
Detect Hidden Damage
Not all roof damage can be easily seen with the naked eye. This is because some damage actually takes place underneath your roofing shingles. The only way to detect this type of damage is to physically get up on your roof and feel the roof's surface for soft spots and other tell-tale signs of underlying damage. This is a process that can be quite dangerous if you do not have the experience and equipment necessary to safely maneuver on the slopes of your roof. Walking around on your roof can also result in additional damage if you do not know what you're doing when accessing this important part of your home's exterior. Hiring a professional to inspect your roof will allow you to avoid these issues while effectively detecting and repairing any hidden damage your roof may have suffered.
Determine The Cause Of Any Damage
Simply identifying the presence of roof damage may not be enough. This is because whether or not your homeowner's insurance policy will provide coverage for repairing this damage will not be dependent upon how much damage your roof has suffered but rather what caused this damage in the first place. For instance, while your insurance policy may provide coverage for damage that resulted from hail or other severe weather, it may not provide coverage for normal wear and tear. An experienced roofer will be able to help you determine the cause of any damage they find as part of your roof inspection.
To learn more, contact a resource like Top Tier Home Services.