
Between You and the Sky: A Roofing Website

Top Signs You Should Call A Residential Roofing Contractor To Take A Look At Your Shingle Roof

If your home has a shingle roof, it's important to know when to call a residential roofing contractor. Then, you will be able to have your roof repaired or replaced when needed. These are a few top signs that it might be time for you to call a residential roofing contractor.

Your Shingle Roof Is Getting Old

A properly installed and well-maintained shingle roof can last for a long time, but it isn't as long-lasting of a roofing material as some roofing types, such as metal roofing. If you know that your shingle roof is getting old, it might be time to have it looked at by a residential roofing contractor. Then, they can help you with any maintenance that might be needed so that you can make your asphalt shingle roof last for as long as possible, and they can perform any necessary repairs. They can also let you know whether or not it's time for you to think about replacing your shingle roof entirely, and if this is necessary, they can give you advice and help with the entire process of purchasing your shingles and installing your new roof.

Shingles Have Been Coming Off of Your Roof

You might have looked outside after a storm and found that there were a few asphalt shingles lying in your yard. Once shingles start coming off of your roof, it's important to call a professional as soon as possible. Shingles that are coming off of your roof might not be in the best shape and might be an indication that your entire roof needs attention. Plus, if you don't replace the missing shingles as soon as possible, you have to worry about your home not being properly protected from the elements.

You Notice Signs of Leaking

It is ideal to find roofing issues before you ever have any roof leaks. However, it is sometimes easy for these issues to go undetected until it's too late. If you have noticed signs of leaking from inside of your home, however -- such as if there are wet spots on your ceiling or if there is actual water dripping into your home when it rains -- then you should call a residential roofing contractor immediately. Roof leaks can cause serious home damage in a very short period of time, so once you see the signs of leaks, it's imperative to act quickly if you want to prevent the damage from getting worse.

To learn more, contact a residential roofing contractor.

About Me

Between You and the Sky: A Roofing Website

Roofs have come a long way in recent years. Recently, homeowners are steering away from traditional shingles and instead opting for materials like metal and concrete tile. Then, there are the high-performance shingles, designed to reflect UV rays, resist hail damage, and prevent mold growth. If you're thinking of replacing your roof, choosing the right material can seem like an overwhelming task. That's why we created this website — to give you a place to learn all you need to know about roofs! Of course, our articles will discuss more than just roofing materials. You'll find entries on how to hire a roofing contractor, tips for assessing damage, and so much more. Enjoy the read under the shelter of your very own roof.


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